Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Quirks or no quirks try to love me anyway!!

Well, I am excited to leave some posts on some blogs that I check out quite alot but never seem to leave a note!! I picked my tagged sites with alot of consideration! I like how you write in your blogs, what you write about, the names of your blogs, the colors & the ideas, pictures & creative intrests!! I am quite new to this blog thing but really enjoy your sites!! So, I hope you read this & pass it along too! I am going to be checking for your quirks too!! Here are the rules to tagged... Each player starts with 7 random quirks, facts, habits, tidbits, etc. about themselves! If you are tagged you need to write on your own blog about your 7 things!! For the rest of us to read!! :) At the end of tour blog choose 7 people to get tagged & list them on your site! Don't forget to leave a comment on their site telling them they have been tagged & to read your blog!! It's a great way to network & meet other artist & bloggers with the same things going on as you!! So, here are the 7 things I chose to share about myself that I would have never thought to tell in the first place!!!
1. I will ONLY wear fruit flavored scents, perfumes, lotions, or oils. My absolute favorite to get these scents hand made to the strengh of smell I like is Archibald Sisters in Olympia, Wa. Very cool shop!! I have been called a fruit salad ALOT!
2. I can ONLY walk on the right side of people. When people find this out they try & trick me by trying to walk on my left side. I literally cannot walk if they are on my left side. Sometimes I don't get anywhere.
3. I like mustard in my top ramen. Gross, I know, but which is worse eating it plain or with mustard? Both, so it doesn't matter!! (My friend Mel got that started in high school!!)
4. I get carsick driving. Another reason I don't get anywhere!
5. My favorite television channel is E! network. I cannot get enough of all the celebrity gossip stuff!! Suzi Finer, I am sooo jealous about the Britney Spears visit!! (I am also addicted to reality t.v.)
6. Tomatoes & tomato based foods make the palms of my hands & the bottom of my feet itch. I like tomatoes but they really have to be worth it to eat it!!
7. I will only get tattoos that have stars in them somehow or someway. And my favorite colors for those big, bad tattooed stars??? Pinks, blues, purples, yellows etc... NO primary colors!! Very girlie!!
So, nothing shocking but things about myself that my best friend might not even know! I am going to be checking your sites so hope to see that you have something to share with the rest of us!! Here are my peoples I tagged!! Check out their sites!!
Thanks you guys!! Have fun!!!


Veleta (Sammy) said...

Thanks Heather for tagging me... I will go in today and write my 7 things about myself... what fun! and yes, I would be honored to have my name on your blog list!

Amber Dawn Inventive Soul said...

COOL quirks!!!


PS when I am not so busy with charms and hosting swaps, I will make you a fun ATC too!

Patti Gibbons said...

Heather; finally got to check out your "quirks". I love the fact that you only wear fruit scents. I am a scent person myself, but the mixes are very complex and change. I am obsessed with good smells and LOVE bathing myself in natural oils. Very cool that you have a farm. I have lots of gardens (veggies too) on my small city lot here in the Catskills!!!

My movies & books!

  • I read this book "She's Come Undone" I can't stop thinking about how many things it had going on in it. I like that.
  • I am an Ocean's Eleven fan. I could & have watched it everyday for months!